Sunday, 20 March 2016

My Top Tips for Healthy Eating.

A few years ago after being diagnosed with various illnesses - in particular Coeliac Disease - I decided I really needed to start looking after my body more, for me it wasn't about a quick fix to loose weight, or going on a diet, I wanted to improve my overall health and quality of life which meant living an all round healthier lifestyle. It quickly became a passion of mine and I would therefore like to share a few of my favourite tips with you over a series of blog posts, starting with healthy eating!

* DISCLAIMER: I would quickly like to state that I am not claiming to be a certified nutritionist nor am I a registered dietitian. I am simply sharing the knowledge and information I have obtained through research, my dietitian and my own personal experience from following these tips and guidelines. *

Eating healthily can sometimes seem like such a challenge, especially when there are so many temptations around us (not to mention how much cheaper unhealthy snacks and foods are). Here are some of the guidelines and tips I've found to be the most beneficial:

So many people are under the false pretence that to loose weight, we have to skip meals and barely eat, however this is 100% not the case! However, controlling your portions and eating little and often is key. The more hungry you are, the more likely you will be to eat a giant meal and pig out on unhealthy snacks. Instead, I like to eat 6 meals a day, 3 main meals - breakfast, lunch and tea/dinner - and snacks in between. You can also do a quick google search to find a guide to portion sizes, and tips on measuring food, this is extremely helpful not only for weight loss but helping to prevent wasting food which is a pet peeve of mine.

When being diagnosed with Coeliac disease, I had to pay a whole lot more attention to what I was putting in my body which meant reading the ingredient list on everything. It was then that I began to see how much rubbish is put into the foods we consume on a daily basis and decided it would be a whole lot easier and healthier to make things from scratch.

Avoid anything that's artificial and processed, if I don't know what it is and I can't pronounce it I will avoid it full stop. Eating organic, natural, unprocessed foods simply means they don't contain the nasty chemicals, additives and pesticides that processed foods do and therefore still contain the naturally occurring nutrients and vitamins that are most beneficial to your health.

Please don't think that living a healthy lifestyle means depriving yourself of your favourite naughty foods. It's more than okay to reward yourself with a slice of lemon cheesecake or a pizza every now and then, and believe me, it tastes 10x better when you don't have to feel guilty for eating it!

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